The Balanced Blood Sugar Podcast
The Balanced Blood Sugar Podcast by Wellness Through Unity offers practical tips, holistic insights, and routine education to help everyone live more abundantly. Hosted by a Registered Nurse, each episode empowers listeners with strategies for better blood sugar control and overall wellness.
The Balanced Blood Sugar Podcast
Ep 07: Do It Scared--Kicking Fear to the Curb and Claiming Your Health
Fear is something we all face — but it’s what we do with that fear that shapes our journey. Today, we're diving into how fear can either keep us stuck or push us toward the life we desire, and why it's so important to choose courage over comfort, especially when it comes to your health.
In this episode, I’m sharing the very real fears I faced when I launched my holistic wellness business. I’ll explain the obstacles I encountered, from worrying about legal implications to wondering if Big Food and Big Pharma would push back on my mission to empower people with natural solutions. I’ll also touch on some key history, including how figures like Andrew Carnegie helped pivot the medical world away from herbal medicine to pharmaceuticals.
Then, we’ll talk about you: What fear are you facing in your health journey? Maybe you’re afraid of trying something new, or maybe you’re nervous about another failed attempt to balance your blood sugar naturally. I’ll share how envisioning success and strengthening myself in the Lord has helped me overcome those fears.
And if you’re ready to take a leap forward, make sure you join my 1-hour workshop on November 13th. This session will give you an actionable "30% Solution" to jumpstart your journey! More details below.
In This Episode, You’ll Learn:
- Why so many of us are afraid to try something new and how to break free from that mindset.
- The behind-the-scenes story of starting my holistic wellness business, despite the fears and potential risks.
- How historical influences shaped modern medicine — and moved us away from the natural, effective remedies many people need today.
- Practical ways to strengthen yourself in the Lord when fear creeps in.
- How visualizing success can help you take action even when you’re scared.
- What success could look like for you if you choose courage over fear.
Resources Mentioned:
- FREE Get Started Guide: Ready to take the first step today? Grab my Get Started Guide to jump-start your journey with helpful, easy-to-follow steps. DOWNLOAD HERE
- Workshop Sign-Up: Don’t miss our workshop on Nov 13th! This is your chance to dive into actionable solutions for better health (Psst..Email subscribers get a discount if you get the FREE guide first!). SIGN UP HERE
Stay Connected:
- Subscribe to The Balanced Blood Sugar Podcast for more tips and strategies to help you manage your blood sugar naturally.
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Medical Disclaimer:
The information provided in this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet, exercise, or medication. The content shared here reflects my personal experiences and research but should not replace individualized medical care.
Hey there, friends! Welcome back to The Balanced Blood Sugar Podcast. I’m Adrienne, and I’m so glad you’re here with me today. We’re diving into a topic that everyone listening can relate to. Today, we’re talking about fear — the thing that keeps us stuck, stops us from moving forward, and makes us doubt.
Let’s be real for a second — we all feel fear. Whether it’s starting something new, stepping outside of our comfort zone, or even trying again after we’ve failed before. But here’s the thing — it’s not the fear itself that defines us; it’s what we do in spite of it.
So today, I’m going to share some personal stories, some historical truths (that might make you a little angry — I know they did for me!), and we’re going to talk about how fear doesn’t have to hold us back. We can choose to move forward despite it. And I want you to start thinking about what fear might be holding you back from. Is it your health? Is it trying a new approach because other things didn’t work? Whatever it is, we’re going to tackle it today.
Main Content:
1. My Fear in Starting This Business
Let’s dive in. I want to start by sharing a personal story with you because, honestly, starting this business wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. In fact, I was scared. Scared of putting myself out there, scared of stepping on the toes of Big Food, Big Pharma, and Big Government. Let’s just say there’s a lot of pressure from these industries to keep things the way they are and punishing those who don’t toe the line.
What most people don’t realize is that there’s a long history of suppressing natural remedies in favor of pharmaceuticals. In the early 1900s, men like Andrew Carnegie — yes, the same guy who built libraries and is seen as a philanthropist — actually funded medical schools to get rid of herbal medicine and natural remedies and start the process of outlawing these practices in mainstream healthcare. The goal? To make sure doctors were trained to prescribe pharmaceuticals so Big Pharma could make more money and other alternative doctors were seen as quacks. It was a strategic move to shift the focus from natural, God-given healing methods to drugs that make companies rich.
And as someone trying to help people balance their blood sugar naturally, without relying on pills, I knew I was stepping into a controversial space. There are things I can’t say, even though I know they’re true. Like how my own mother reversed her diabetes and stage 4 kidney disease. But legally, I can’t make claims like that — I have to frame it as “routine nutrition and general advice.”
When I was starting this business, I had this overwhelming fear that I’d say something wrong and get into trouble. The fear of legal repercussions weighed heavy on me. It would’ve been easy to give in and let that fear stop me. But I realized something — if I let fear hold me back, not only was I holding myself back, I was holding you back. Thousands of people who need to know that there’s a better way, that real healing is possible, wouldn’t hear this message.
So I had a choice to make. I could either let fear paralyze me, or I could move forward despite the fear, knowing that what I had to share was too important to keep quiet about.
2. What Fear Is Holding You Back?
Now, let’s talk about your fear. What’s holding you back from making the changes you know you need? What are you scared of? Maybe it’s trying a new diet, or maybe you’re afraid because you’ve tried so many things before, and they didn’t work. You’re afraid of failing again. And I get it. There’s nothing more discouraging than putting in all this effort, and maybe even money, and not seeing results.
But here’s what I want to ask you — what do you lose by trying again?
Okay, you might lose some time. You might put in effort and feel like it’s wasted if it doesn’t work. But what do you stand to gain if it does work? What could your life look like if you finally find that balance, if you gain control over your health, if you start feeling better than you have in years?
I want you to take a moment and really visualize it. What would it look like if your blood sugar wasn’t swinging up and down like a rollercoaster? What would it feel like to have steady energy all day long, to not feel tired or shaky? What if you didn’t have to rely on medications to manage your blood sugar anymore? How would your life change?
Now, compare that to the fear of failure. Suddenly, that fear doesn’t seem so powerful, does it? The potential for gain is soooo much greater than the risk of failure.
We need to change our focus. Instead of staring at the edge of the road, worried about falling off into the ditch, we need to look at the horizon. Set our sights on the bigger picture — the life we’re working toward, the health we want to reclaim. We can’t let fear keep us focused on failure. We need to fix our eyes on what’s possible.
3. Strengthening Ourselves in the Lord
I know not everyone walks the same path as me. But when I’m scared, I turn to the Lord. I remind myself that God didn’t give us a spirit of fear. That fear? It’s not from Him. It’s from the enemy. And what does the enemy want more than anything? To paralyze us, to stop us, to keep us from stepping into the blessings that God has in store.
One thing that helps me when fear feels overwhelming is to strengthen myself in the Lord, like David, by reminding myself of what He’s already done for me (like walking our family into healing!) and shift my focus to what could happen if I succeed. Not just in business, but in every area of life. What if this business takes off? What if I’m able to reach thousands, maybe millions of people, and help them find healing? What if YOU are one of those people? What if you can escape the health system that makes money off of sick people? What if you could balance your blood sugar, lose the weight, feel healthier and stronger than you ever have before and do the things you were created to do?
Can you see it? Can you picture that life of freedom? It’s not some far-off dream. It’s within your reach, but you have to step out, even when you’re scared.
4. “You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don’t Take”
This brings me to one of my favorite quotes: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” That’s from the famous Wayne Gretzky, and it’s so true.
We let fear talk us out of trying. We let it convince us that failing is worse than not trying at all. But the reality is, if you don’t try, you’ve already failed. You’ve taken yourself out of the game before it even started.
So, what if you did take the shot? Sure, maybe it doesn’t go exactly as planned, but what if it does? What if you succeed? What if you finally take control of your health and transform not only your life, but the lives of those around you? The only way to find out is to take the shot. You can’t win if you don’t play, and you certainly can’t succeed if you don’t try.
We can’t let fear be the thing that keeps us from reaching our full potential. The temptation to fear is always going to be there. That’s part of this world. But it doesn’t get to make the decisions. We do.
So, friends, here’s where we land: Fear doesn’t get to decide your future. You do. You have the power to take that first step, even if it’s a scared step. And here’s the truth — you don’t have to wait for the fear to disappear before you move forward. Just do it scared, and watch your actions push fear to the wayside.
Visualize the prize. Picture yourself feeling better, living healthier, with balanced blood sugar and steady energy. That’s your goal. Fix your eyes on that, and keep moving forward, no matter what. Fear might be along for the ride, but it doesn’t get to drive.
And I’m here to tell you — you CAN do this. If I didn’t believe that with all my heart, I wouldn’t be here sharing this with you. So let’s kick fear to the curb, stomp it out, and move forward together. You’re not alone in this.
We’re in it together, and I know you’re going to make amazing strides. And I’m so proud of you for showing up today, for taking the time to invest in your health, and for being open to new possibilities. That’s the first step — showing up, and you’ve already done that.
So before I let you go, I want to remind you again about the workshop on November 13th. It’s all about what I have affectionately named “The 30% Solution,” and it’s designed to help you take actionable steps toward better health without feeling overwhelmed. We’ll break it down together, and I’ll give you clear, simple strategies that can make a big impact. If you’re ready to dive in deeper, and stop letting fear or confusion hold you back, this workshop is for you.
Just head to the link in the show notes to sign up and grab my free Get Started Guide while you’re there. Trust me, you won’t want to miss it!
As always, I’m here cheering you on every step of the way. You’re capable of more than you think, and I can’t wait to see the changes you’ll make in your health and in your life. Until next time, remember: Don’t let fear drive your decisions. Take that step, even if it’s a scared one. Because you can do this!